Project Structure

The Starter Pack includes the following files and folders:


The src, utils and .github folders contain several files and folders as well, which will be discussed in later sections. So many files and folders might seem overwhelming at first, but this setup will make your life much easier and you’ll get used to it in no time.

Two more folders will be created here as you work on your wiki.

  1. The dist folder contains distribution code, which is HTML, CSS, JS and media that has been created by combining all the files spread across various templates in the src/ folder. Creating this folder will be described later, but just keep in mind that this is the folder that you can put on a server, not the src folder.

  2. The igem folder will contain HTML, CSS, JS and media that has been processed specifically for iGEM servers. This folder is created by WikiSync and it is the contents of this folder that are finally uploaded to iGEM servers.

We will first talk about the src folder, and then gradually cover the rest.

The src Folder

The src folder contains the source files for your wiki. This includes HTML, Pug, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, images, videos, fonts and everything else you want to add to your wiki.

It contains the following folders and files:

  1. assets/: Contains all media and documents. Everything other than code.

  2. citations/: Files corresponding to those in pages/ in case citations are required there.

  3. css/: CSS and SCSS code.

  4. js/: JS code.

  5. pages/: Pug files that generate pages like /Description or /Design.

  6. templates/: Pug files that contain code common across all pages, such as navbar, footer and a template for each file in pages/.

  7. index.js: Entry point for Webpack. Leave untouched if unfamiliar with it.

  8. index.pug: Homepage

  9. nav.yml: Navigation menu contents. utils/ generates a dictionary that is used to create the navigation on each page.

Templates and Pages

The first line of src/pages/Sample.pug is:

extends ../templates/contents.pug

This means that Sample.pug “extends” contents.pug. In this way, all files in pages/ are based on the contents.pug template.

templates/contents.pug and pages/Sample.pug are described with comments here. Please leave a comment there in case any clarification is required.

More information about Pug templates is available here.