Welcome to iGEM Wiki Starter Pack’s documentation!

The iGEM Wiki Starter Pack is the easiest way to create your iGEM Wiki.

Documentation Status License: MIT

Please head over to the Overview, Installation instructions or Usage Guide to get started.


  1. Built-in theme that

    1. Looks great on all devices

    2. Comes with a dark mode

  2. Markdown support

  3. Automatic uploads with WikiSync

  4. Extract citation information from DOI

  5. Automatic table of contents on each page

  6. Endless customization with Webpack

  7. Included common web development libraries

    1. Bootstrap

    2. jQuery

    3. MathJax

    4. Font Awesome

  8. Extensive templating using Pug

  9. Reset styles on iGEM.org

Contribution and Collaboration

Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

Please visit our Contributing page to find out how you can help make this project better.

Using this software or submitting issues and pull requests can count towards a collaboration for our teams. Please give us a shoutout at @igem_bits on Instagram if this Starter Pack has made your iGEM experience easier! For contibuting to this software or discussing further collaborations, please reach out to us at igembitsgoa@gmail.com.